Screaming Behavior in Pet Birds
Screaming is the second most common problem noted by parrot owners. Normal parrot vocalizations include alarm calls and contact calls. Alarm calls occur when the parrot is feeling as if it is in danger or distress. Contact calls are vocalizations used to identify where other members of the bird’s flock are at any given time. Both of these types of calls are normal. It is also normal for some parrot species to call and scream for 15 to 20 minutes several times a day, especially in the morning, and may be a way that wild parrots tell other parrots from another flock to stay away. When a parrot begins to repeatedly vocalize for prolonged periods of time this is considered to be abnormal and may indicate stress or boredom. Studies on parrot behavior have shown that one cause of problematic screaming may be a lack of physical interaction between social partners (i.e., other birds or its human companions).