For the public

Endoscopy for Avian Patients

Endoscopes are small "telescopes" that are used to have a look at the internal organs of an animal. Just as a veterinarian does a thorough physical examination of the outside of the body, the endoscope allows a veterinarian to do the same sort of examination of the bird's internal organs to assess their health.  This is extremely helpful to determine an underlying cause for many illnesses that elude detection through bloodwork and other routine diagnostic labwork.

Bird Emergencies

If your bird is not acting right or appears injured and you are unsure of the severity of the condition, it is always best to contact us immediately. We are able to accommodate emergencies during regular business hours as well as after hours.

Since other emergency hospitals are not exclusive exotic pet practices and possibly do not treat these types of pets, the doctors and staff may or may not be capable of providing emergency care for your pet so please call ahead.

Sugar Glider Nutrition


Proper diet is imperative for keeping a sugar glider healthy and happy. Nutritional problems are the most common problems seen by veterinarians and include obesity, malnutrition, low bone density, dental disease, heart disease, nervous system disorders, muscle disorders, and cataracts.

Calcium Deficiency in Sugar Gliders

Calcium deficiency leading to nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism (NSHP) is one of the most common problems of sugar gliders.  NSHP, sometimes known as metabolic bone disease or MBD, is very common in young growing gliders fed an improper diet.  The diet may be deficient in calcium, have too much phosphorus, not enough vitamin D3, or some combination of these problems.  The bones never mineralize, and end up weak and easily broken.  A sugar glider on a bad diet may appear perfectly normal right up until the time you find it paralyzed at the bottom of it's cage due to a broken back.  S

Upper Respiratory Disease in Rats

A rat that sneezes a lot, has more tears than normal or has crusty eyes, or has an audible wheeze or crackle, is showing signs of a respiratory infection.

Respiratory infections in rats are often caused by viruses.  Many times the viruses are harbored in older rats that aren’t showing any outward signs of infection yet they are still capable of infecting younger rats.  This is one reason why it is important to avoid mixing rats of different ages and different origins together.

Tumors, Abscesses, Cysts in Rats

Rats are prone to a variety of lumps and growths beneath their skin.  Many times these are abscesses or infections that accumulate pus beneath the skin.  In older rats, typically 18 months or older, cancerous tumors are more common as the cause of  bumps.  The tumors may be benign ones such as adenomas or lipomas, or they may be more serious ones classified as adenocarcinomas.  Most tumors are readily removed at a small size and many of them do not return if the surgery was able to completely remove the growth.  If you see a bump on your rat, don't wait until it gets big to get it checked. 

Rat Spay

If you decide to get a female rat as a pet in the future, it is very important to have it spayed when it is around 3 to 4 months of age. This eliminates the chance of ovarian disease and greatly reduces the chance of other reproductive diseases.  This also greatly reduces the chance of a rat developing a mammary tumor develop as she ages. It is one of the most important things you can do to extend her life.

Below are some pictures from spay surgeries on rats, some of which were performed due to a medical problem.

Dental Problems: Rodents

Dental problems are common in captive rodents. It is often linked to a diet rich in seeds as these often do not provide enough protein and minerals for healthy bone growth. Dental disease can develop for a variety of other reasons. For example, some rodents may be born with abnormally shaped teeth that simply don't line up for proper grinding. Injuries to the mouth, skull, or jaw bone may cause the teeth to grow at odd angles. Tumors may also start to deform the shape of the teeth.

Wry Neck/Head Tilt in Rabbits

Rabbits sometimes develop a head tilt that gets progressively worse until they roll uncontrollably when they try to move.  This condition is commonly known as "wry neck".  There are many different diseases that can cause wry neck such as an ear infection, a parasite known as Encephalitozoon cunniculi (often just called E. cunniculi or encephalitozoonosis), and others.  Depending on the cause, treatment is often quite successful if initiated early.  Sometimes the treatment arrests the underlying disease but the rabbit continues to have a head tilt.  Most of these learn how to live with their new view of the world and many gradually return to almost a normal posture.

Upper Respiratory Infections/Snuffles in Rabbits

Since a rabbit has to breathe through its nose, any medical condition that restricts or blocks the nose is life-threatening.  An infection of the nasal passages, also known as bacterial rhinitis, is often due to Pasteurella multocida but may be caused by many other species of bacteria. This infection is commonly known as "snuffles" for the congested breathing sound and watery mucus that drips from the nostrils.  It is part of an upper respiratory disease complex in rabbits which may include sinus infections (sinusitis), eyelid infections (conjunctivitis), ear infections (otitis), a
