For the public


Cockatiels are one of the most common parrots in captivity and actually belong to the same family as the cockatoo. Hand-raised cockatiels can be quite personable and gentle.  Although they can speak, they more typically whistle and chatter. Cockatiels need a lot more care to stay healthy than most people expect.  Cockatiels need balanced diets (not just seeds), spacious cages with different heights of perches and different diameter perches, access to direct sunshine, and regular baths to stay in peak condition.

Basic Care: Rabbits


The domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) can be a fantastic and loving pet. When well kept, the average rabbit can live for up to 10 years or more! Typically, dwarf breeds live longer than giant breeds. Let us help you set your rabbit friend up for success at home!

Domestic rabbits are a crepuscular species, meaning that they are most active around sunrise and sunset so that might be when your rabbit wants to play. Many bunnies will adjust their schedule so that they are most active when you first wake-up and between your dinnertime and\ bedtime. It is important that your rabbit has a dedicated “bed-time” so as not to interfere with normal circadian rhythms. Studies have shown that rabbits with interrupted sleep cycles while dealing with illness have a poorer prognosis than rabbits that are allowed to have normal sleep cycles.

Most rabbits are gregarious animals meaning they enjoy the company of other rabbits. Typically, rabbits live as a bonded pair. However, not all rabbits get along and some rabbits are best kept alone. For more information on bonding rabbits visit:

While rabbits are typically regarded as a species that does not vocalize, rabbits actually have a variety of verbal and non-verbal cues to indicate how they are feeling. For example, a happy rabbit may hum or jump and kick their back legs (referred to as a “binky” in layman’s terms). An angry rabbit my thump their hind feet or grunt. A rabbit in severe distress may even scream. If your rabbit screams while being handled, immediately put the rabbit down.

If your friends like your rabbit and want one of their own, recommend that they adopt a rabbit from a rescue or check with a local humane society. We don't recommend buying them from pet stores.

Basic Care: Potbelly Pigs

Potbellied pigs remain a popular pet, several decades after their introduction into the United States.  New breeds or types of miniature pigs now exist, with breeders aiming to create smaller pet pigs.  Breeding for micro mini or teacup sized pigs does not always result in tiny adult pigs!  Before acquiring any potbellied or miniature pig, you will need to be prepared for a pet that may weigh 60 to 120 pounds or more as an adult.  The best way to predict how big your pig will grow is to see how big both parents are at maturity.  Much of your pig's growth will occur in the first 9 to 12 months of age but it will continue to grow until it is at least two or three years old.  Do not be surprised if your 40 pound yearling pig ultimately grows up to be an 80 pound adult.

Hamster Basic Info

Hamsters are very popular pets for children.  There are five different species of hamsters available in the pet trade, the Syrian hamster and four species of dwarf hamsters. Each one has a slightly different personality and not all of them are great choices for children. 

Guinea Pigs Basic Care

Guinea pigs are wonderful companions for many people.  They have a rich range of noises they make to communicate with each other and their human family.  Since they are so social, it is important to keep them in pairs or larger groups.  However, some guinea pigs do best by themselves if they spend a lot of time out with their owners.

So you found a wild Desert Tortoise?

It's essential to respect the legal protection of Mojave and Sonoran desert tortoises throughout Arizona. Since 1988, Arizona State law strictly prohibits any form of harassment, harm, pursuit, hunting, shooting, wounding, killing, trapping, capturing, or collecting of these animals. Understanding the current regulations is crucial, and you can find them online at or by contacting a local Arizona Game and Fish Department office.
