How to Make a Cinder Block Tortoise Burrow
Easy for follow diagrammatic instructions on building an artificial burrow for your tortoise.
Easy for follow diagrammatic instructions on building an artificial burrow for your tortoise.
A list of a variety of different plants, both cultivated and wild, that tortoises and land turtles can eat.
Routine water changes are a vital part of maintain a balanced, healthy environment in any pond or aquarium. However, there is more to performing water changes than just dumping out the old water and adding in the new. In this article we wil discuss why water changes are important and how to perform them properly to insure a healthy home aquatic ecosystem.
Nitrogen is an important element found in nature and is critical for many biologic functions. The nitrogen cycle is the natural process by which nitrogen compounds are converted between various forms. Gathering a basic understanding of how the nitrogen cycle works can help you keep your fish or aquatic turtle healthy and happy.
Keeping an aquarium in your house can be fun and rewarding, it just takes a little work and patience. Like any pet or home project it is important to start off on the right foot and following simple rules in order to be successful. This brief article will cover the basics of setting up an aquarium in your home.
Parasites are a common problem in pond fish such as koi and golfish that can lead to sick and dying fish. It is important to not only quickly identify but to find appropriate treatment for your fish so that fish can quickly recover. Here is a quick overview of the types of parasites that infect pond fish.
Proper water quality is essential for maintaining healthy aquatic animals. This is true of fish, coral, invertebrates, turtles and amphibians. In most cases these animals live in the same water where they eat, drink and eliminate waste. Animals in captivity have the added challenge of living in a far smaller volume of water than their counterparts in the wild. It’s very important that their caretakers understand how to test the water and respond to any abnormal parameters. This article explains why it’s important to test several different water quality values and how they affect each other. The reader shouldn’t need to relearn past chemistry class notes to get an adequate understanding.