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Raptors are recognized for their keen site, strong beaks and powerful talons. They are also known as birds of prey because of the fact that they hunt for and feed on other animals. Examples of birds that are included in this group are eagles, hawks, falcons and owls. These birds have been used in the sport of falconry for centuries, but can also been found in zoo and wildlife rehabilitation settings. These birds should only be handled by trained falconers or licensed wildlife rehabilitators.



Lorikeets and Lories are a species of parrot that you won’t forget once you meet one! They are colorful, interactive and almost always ready to play. Native to Australia, southeast Asia, Polynesia and Papua New Guinea, these birds are commonly found at interactive zoo exhibits. Their tongues are different from other parrots and a have brush tips that allows for these birds to eat nectar. Zoos will give out cups of nectar to visitors to feed the birds and learn about these unique species. Many people have these birds as pets but they are slightly different than other psittacine birds.


Conures come in a variety of sizes and colors but are considered to be a medium to small size parrot. They are originally from Central and South America with some extinct species even being native to North America. These birds can be wonderful companions and there are many different species available in the pet trade. As with other species of birds, they require a lot of care.

Finches and Canaries

Finches and canaries are small birds that belong to the order Passeriformes, also known as passerines. There are numerous different species of finch with examples like the zebra finch, society finch and gouldian finch commonly found in the pet trade. Canaries have been bred in captivity for years and many different breeds are available such as the gloster, Yorkshire and Norwich. Many people keep these birds for their exquisite beauty, attractive songs, and entertaining personalities.

Eclectus Parrots

Eclectus parrots are often admired for their beauty and calm nature. They are unique in the parrot world because the male and female sex can be easily distinguished. Females are red while males are green. There are several different subspecies that are found in the Solomon islands, northeastern Australia, Maluku islands, New Guinea and Sumba. 

Pigeons and Doves

Pigeons and doves belong to the order of birds known as Columbiformes and are comprised of about 300 different species. These gentle birds can be found all over the world except the Arctic and Antarctic. Humans have utilized the rock pigeon for racing, message delivery and as a food source. The most common species that are found in the pet trade include the ring-necked dove and the diamond dove.

Amazon Parrots

Amazons consist of a wide group of medium sized parrots native to Central and South America. They have short tails and are often mostly green in color. Naturalized flocks of Amazon parrots of various species can be found living in certain parts of southern California. Although no one knows for certain exactly how they got there, they certainly are thriving! Amazons are very vocal and can be quite entertaining. Some have extensive vocabularies and they seem to enjoy singing.

Converting Your Bird to A Better Diet

Converting a bird to a better diet can be one of the best things an owner can do to provide a healthy life for their pet bird. The act of converting a bird though can sometimes be challenging. Birds that have been eating one type of diet for years may be reluctant to switch over to a healthier one. Especially if they have been eating a high fat diet like seeds. There are many tips and tricks for diet conversion. What worked well for one bird may not work well for another. Some birds will transition rapidly within a few days, while others can take months. Some owners become frustrated with diet conversion if they aren’t seeing results quickly and end up allowing the bird to just eat whatever it wants. This would be like allowing a child to eat pizza for dinner all the time instead of a more balanced meal. Birds may be stubborn, but being persistent and patient will eventually get you the results you are looking for. One of the most important things an owner needs to know about diet conversion is to not give up! 

Bird Diet Recommendations

Everyone knows that eating a good diet is one of the best things we can do to stay healthy and the same is true for our pet birds. The question that we must then ask is “What is the best diet for our birds?” Of course this will vary for the species in question but there is an unfortunate misconception out there that seeds are all a pet bird needs to stay healthy. This has led to many pet birds developing nutritional disorders and therefore, seed alone diets have been implicated as a problem. It is true that in the wild, seeds are consumed by many species of birds but that is not all they eat. Parrots in the wild will eat various types of seeds, nuts, fruits, beans, flowers, and even foliage from plants. The varieties of seeds that are foraged for in the wild are numerous and different studies have shown birds to consume greater than 20 different seed types. In captivity many of our seeds mixes only have 5-7 different types of seeds.

Heating and Temperature Control for Reptiles

Reptiles are often referred to being “cold-blooded”, which can be misleading.  More appropriately they should be considered poikilothermic or ectothermic. This means that, unlike mammals and birds, reptiles are unable to regulate their body temperatures internally and change their body temperature in adaptation to their environmental temperature. Because reptiles do not need to expend as much energy heating their bodies, they have a much lower metabolic rate than that of mammals. Each reptile species has what is referred to as its preferred optimal temperature zone which is a narrow temperature range at which they are active and undergo typical functions such as feeding, digestion, fighting off infections, and reproduction. Outside of this range these functions may be hindered or cease altogether. Some species will hibernate during colder months and during this time their metabolic rate will decrease.  
